How Badlybis Baby Affecred on Meth in Womb

J Addict Med. Writer manuscript; bachelor in PMC 2016 Mar one.

Published in final edited form as:

PMCID: PMC4374990


Methamphetamines and Pregnancy Outcomes

Tricia E. Wright

1Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women'southward Wellness, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, 1319 Punahou St. Ste 824, Honolulu, HI 96826, 808-203-6540, 808-955-2174 fax

Renee Schuetter

2Path Clinic, Waikiki Health, Honolulu, Hawaii, 845 22nd Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816

Jacqueline Tellei

2Path Clinic, Waikiki Health, Honolulu, Hawaii, 845 22nd Ave., Honolulu, Hello 96816

Lynnae Sauvage

1Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Wellness, Academy of Hawaii John A. Burns Schoolhouse of Medicine, 1319 Punahou St. Ste 824, Honolulu, Hullo 96826, 808-203-6540, 808-955-2174 fax



Methamphetamine (MA) is 1 of the about commonly used illicit drugs in pregnancy, notwithstanding studies on MA-exposed pregnancy outcomes have been limited because of retrospective measures of drug apply, lack of control for misreckoning factors: other drug use, including tobacco; poverty; poor diet; and lack of prenatal care. This written report presents prospective nerveless data on MA use and birth outcomes, controlling for most confounders.

Materials and Methods

This is a retrospective cohort study of women obtaining prenatal care from a clinic treating women with substance use disorders, on whom there are prospectively obtained data on MA and other drug use, including tobacco. MA-exposed pregnancies were compared with non-MA exposed pregnancies as well equally non-drug exposed pregnancies, using univariate and multivariate assay to command for confounders.


One hundred 40-four infants were exposed to MA during pregnancy, fifty had start trimester exposure only, 45 had continuous use until the second trimester, 29 had continuous use until the third trimester, but were negative at delivery and 20 had positive toxicology at delivery. There were 107 non MA-exposed infants and 59 infants with no drug exposure. Hateful nascence weights were the same for MA-exposed and non-exposed infants (3159 g vs. 3168 g p=0.9), though smaller than those without any drug exposure (3159 vs. 3321 p=0.04), Infants with positive toxicology at birth (meconium or urine) were smaller than infants with first trimester exposure only (2932 g vs. 3300 g p=0.01). Gestation was significantly shorter among the MA-exposed infants compared to not-exposed infants (38.5 vs. 39.1 weeks p=0.045) and those with no drug exposure (38.5 vs. 39.5 p=0.0011), The infants with positive toxicology at birth had a clinically relevant shortening of gestation (37.3 weeks vs. 39.ane p=0.0002).


MA apply during pregnancy is associated with shorter gestational ages and lower birth weight, especially if used continuously during pregnancy. Stopping MA use at any time during pregnancy improves birth outcomes, thus resources should be directed towards providing treatment and prenatal care.

Keywords: methamphetamine, pregnancy, birth outcomes, preterm labor, small for gestational age


Methamphetamine (MA) is one of the most commonly driveling drugs during pregnancy, with prevalence estimates ranging from to four.eight% in highly owned areas (Arria et al. 2006, Derauf et al. 2007). Its use continues to abound world wide (Un Office on Drugs and Crime 2013), yet what is known virtually the furnishings of use during pregnancy is limited by studies using retrospectively gathered information on drug utilize and insufficient controlling for misreckoning factors, such as poverty, poor diet, lack of prenatal care and other drug and tobacco apply.

MA acts as a competitive inhibitor of the neurotransmitter transporters, specifically serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine (Amara and Kuhar 1993, Rudnick and Clark 1993). Among these three targets, the serotonin and norepinephrine transporters are expressed abundantly in the placenta (Ganapathy et al. 1999). These transporters are thought to play an important part in homeostasis of the amniotic fluid and fetal circulation (Ganapathy 1993), as well as control vasoconstriction of the placental vascular bed, which may contribute to the development of preeclampsia (Bottalico et al. 2004), intrauterine growth restriction, abruption and preterm labor (Ganapathy 2011).

The studies looking at pregnancy outcomes with MA utilize have been conflicting. No consistent teratological furnishings of in utero MA exposure on the developing human fetus have been identified (Nora et al. 1965, Nora et al. 1970, Levin 1971, Saxen 1975, Dixon and Bejar 1989, Bays 1991, Hansen et al. 1993, Thomas 1995, Stewart and Meeker 1997, Forrester and Merz 2006). Given that women with substance utilise disorders suffer from chaotic lifestyles, research on drug use during pregnancy is fraught with difficulties. Studies of MA-exposed infants endure from methodological problems such as poor compliance, small sample size and multiple other confounding variables, such as the effects of poverty, poor nutrition, and tobacco use. In studies of other drug employ during pregnancy, these factors have been shown to be as harmful or more harmful than the drug employ itself (Schempf 2007). There are some data on the furnishings of MA employ on maternal complications during pregnancy (Eriksson et al. 1981, Oro and Dixon 1987, Little et al. 1988, Albertson et al. 1999, Cox et al. 2008), birth weight and gestational historic period (Oro and Dixon 1987, Little et al. 1988, Smith et al. 2003, Smith 2004) and neurodevelopment (Oro and Dixon 1987, Little et al. 1988, Gillogley et al. 1990). The IDEAL study, which is the largest report to date on meth utilize during pregnancy (Nguyen et al. 2010, Shah et al. 2012, Zabaneh et al. 2012) has demonstrated an increased adventure of small for gestational age, decreased head circumference and length, and NICU admissions, but no increased adventure of pre-eclampsia, abruption, fetal distress, chronic hypertension, or placenta previa.

Of the data on the effects of MA use on maternal complications during pregnancy, two big database studies showed increased complications of pregnancy, controlling for confounders with the use of regression techniques, though neither collected data on drug utilise prospectively. Cox et al (Cox et al. 2008) showed increased risks of hypertension complicating pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa, placental abruption, premature delivery, precipitate labor, infection of amniotic crenel, intrauterine death, and poor fetal growth among MA-using women when compared with non-substance using women, but when compared with cocaine-using women, these risks were all lower, with the exception of hypertension complicating pregnancy, which was increased over cocaine. Gorman et al. (Gorman et al. 2014) retrospectively used paired maternal and babe data from the land of California and showed increased hazard of gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, IUFD, abruption, preterm birth, neonatal death, and infant expiry, but didn't compare with other drug use. With the exception of the IDEAL study and the Cox study, previous studies accept been small-scale and lacking in controls for other confounding variables such equally other drug and tobacco utilise. Even in the Platonic study recruitment was done at delivery and thus no prospective data on drug employ and pregnancy outcome were collected.

The electric current study reports data on women collected prospectively during pregnancy, including dates and amounts of MA and other drug use, tobacco and alcohol use, housing and psychosocial factors, pre-existing medical and psychiatric co-morbidities, compliance with prenatal intendance; and correlates these factors with maternal and babe outcomes.


The Path clinic was founded in 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii to provide prenatal intendance for women with addictions. MA is the most common illicit substance used by the women with addictions obtaining care at the clinic. Details of the clinic model and implementation procedure have been previously reported (Wright et al. 2012). Briefly, the clinic provides prenatal and postpartum care for the women, too as social services, addiction counseling and referral to treatment, childcare, assistance with transportation, grouping classes, and tobacco cessation services. Deliveries are washed at two local hospitals past the residents and faculty of the University of Hawaii.

This written report analyzes data prospectively collected for quality assurance purposes throughout and after the pregnancy. The current cohort being analyzed obtained intendance from April 2007 through Dec 2013. From Apr 2007 through April 2011, the dispensary was run as a kinesthesia exercise through the University of Hawaii. During that time, women who obtained care at the clinic had either current or past drug apply and/or addiction diagnosis. In May 2011, the dispensary became part of a larger Federally Qualified Community Health Center and the mission changed to include all women in the catchment area or who were homeless or at chance of condign homeless, regardless of addiction history.

MA-exposed pregnancies were compared with non MA-exposed pregnancies. The non MA-exposed pregnancies were either women who had a history of MA utilize prior to pregnancy, used tobacco only, used drugs other than MA, or who did not use illicit drugs but obtained care from the clinic and thus were from the aforementioned catchment area and socio-economic status. Screening for MA use was done by a combination of validated screening tools (4Ps and 4Ps Plus) on all patients, as well as questioning on recent drug use on patients with a history of habit at each visit. Random toxicology was done throughout pregnancy and every bit indicated by clinical or social concerns (i.eastward. missed appointments). MA utilize was noted in the database in a semi-quantitative style, using patient self-written report of use of corporeality and frequency (daily, twice weekly, monthly). Last reported use was noted in the chart. The bulk of women with a history of addiction had toxicology done at the fourth dimension of nascency (urine, meconium or both). Positive toxicology at nascency was considered either a positive maternal or neonatal urine toxicology, as meconium can theoretically reflect maternal use many months earlier delivery. Non-MA exposed women were those who denied any drug utilise on validated screening tools or those with a past history of drug use and negative toxicology. The authors input all data into the database directly from the medical chart, including medical and psychiatric co-morbidities, number of prenatal visits, substance use, referral sources, housing state of affairs, and pregnancy complications. Birth outcomes were obtained shortly after delivery by abstraction from the electronic medical records of the two delivery hospitals. The University of Hawaii Committee on Human Studies reviewed the project and plant it to exist exempt from consent requirements in club to report clinical outcomes.

Sample size calculations were performed using nascence weight every bit the chief effect variable. To detect a 250 g difference in birth weight, using a power of 80% and two-tailed α of 0.05, 36 infants in each group were required. Information were summarized by descriptive statistics. Dichotomous data were compared using Chi-squared tests and continuous data were compared using student's t-tests.

The association betwixt MA and two primary outcomes of interest, preterm delivery and SGA, were and then evaluated using multiple logistic regression, adjusted for important covariates. The covariates that were identified to be associated with the outcomes variables with a p-value <0.05 on univariate analysis were used in the multivariable model. Adjusted odds ratios and their 95% Confidence Intervals were obtained.


In that location were 251 alive births among the cohort that obtained care between April 2007 and December 2013. There were five sets of twins, two in the meth-exposed and three in the not-meth exposed groups. There were 4 3rd trimester intrauterine fetal deaths (IUFD) during this time (3 meth-exposed, ii positive for CMV exposure and one with Down's syndrome, cardiac defect and duodenal atresia and 1 non meth-exposed without other risk factors other than advanced maternal age). The IUFDs were removed from further analysis. Of the 251 live births, 107 had no meth exposure, 50 had showtime trimester exposure only, 45 had continuous use until the second trimester, 29 had continuous use until the tertiary trimester, only were negative at delivery and 20 had positive toxicology at delivery. Demographics are presented in table 1.

Tabular array one

Summary of demographics

All women in report (n=251) Women with no other drug employ (n=119)
Any MA use during
pregnancy n=144
No MA use during
pregnancy due north=107
Just MA use during
pregnancy n=60
No drug utilise during
pregnancy n=59
Hateful ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range p-value Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range p-value
Maternal Age (years) 28.6 ± six.1 (16–45) 28.4 ± 6.i (14–41) 0.65 28.four ± vi.7 (16–45) 29.ane ± 5.5 (18–41) 0.52
Gravidity 4.ix ± 3 (1–12) 3.5 ± 2.5 (1–xv) <0.0001 4.viii ± 3.v (ane–15) iii.6 ± 2.5 (1–15) 0.02
Parity 2.5 ± ii.1 (0–9) 1.5 ± ane.6 (0–6) <0.0001 2.2 ± 2.2 (0–eight) 1.vii ± (0–6) 0.sixteen
Aborta 1.4 ± ii.1 (0–12) ± one.7 (0–eleven) 0.12 1.6 ± two.3 (0–12) 0.9 ± i.1 (0–eleven) 0.08
Main Ethnicity n=239 * northward % n % n % n % p-value
Caucasian 27 44 41.9 0.0004 fourteen 25.0 18 31.6 0.57
NH/OPI 76 34 32.3 0.0003 thirty 22 38.6 0.xvi
Asian 10 seven.5 fifteen 14.two 0.17 4 7.ane 9 xv.8 0.15
Filipina eight vi.0 4 three.8 0.65 iii 5.4 three 5.3 1.00
African American 4 three.0 3 two.nine 1.00 2 2 iii.5 one.00
Hispanic 7 5.0 5 iv.8 1.00 two 3.half dozen three v.three 1.00
Other substance use n % n % p-value due north % n % p-value
Smoker (any during pregnancy) n=241 124 89.9 fourscore 77.7 0.01 54 91.5 39 72.2 0.01
Alcohol n=233 18 xiv.0 13 12.v 0.75 0 0 0 0 NA
Cocaine northward=238 vi 4.5 5 iv.eight 0.93 0 0 0 0 NA
Heroin n=251 6 iv.two 2 ane.ix 0.47 0 0 0 0 NA
Marijuana n=239 44 32.half-dozen 16 15.4 0.002 0 0 0 0 NA
Other opioid utilise n=233 ix six.3. 21 19.4 0.002 0 0 0 0 NA
Co-occurring mental health disorders n % n % p-value n % n % p-value
Mood disorder northward=246 64 45.1 41 39.1 0.38 32 53.3 21 36.2 0.06
Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective n=245 viii 5.6 0 0 0.02 3 5.0 0 0 0.24
PTSD due north=245 26 eighteen.3 xi 10.68 0.09 15 25.0 vi 10.5 0.04
Any co-occurring disorder n=246 72 l.7 44 42.3 0.19 35 59.3 25 42.4 0.06

Women who used MA had higher gravidity and parity and were more likely to fume cigarettes and utilize marijuana during pregnancy. Cocaine and booze use was similar betwixt the ii groups. The non MA-using grouping was more probable to use other opioids and exist Caucasian. Interestingly the grouping who didn't use any drugs at all during their pregnancy more closely resembled the non-MA group. Heroin apply was low in both groups reflecting the low prevalence of heroin use in Hawaii. As noted in previous studies (Wright and Tam 2010), Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NH/OPI) were overrepresented in the MA-using group. Schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorders and PTSD were more than mutual amid the MA-using women.

Univariate analyses of nascence outcomes are presented in Table 2. MA-using women presented significantly later on for prenatal care and had fewer prenatal visits. There was no difference in birth weight between the MA-using group and the not MA-using group, though the gestational age at delivery was slightly younger (vi/10 of a week). The non-drug using group had a significantly longer gestational age (1 week) and was 176 thousand heavier than the MA-using group and the group that used other drugs. They had a bigger head circumference and were longer. In that location was no difference in the incidence of preterm delivery, preterm premature rupture of membranes, abruption, non-reassuring heart rate, chorioamnionitis, asthma, diabetes, low-birth weight, sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, or NICU admission between the MA-exposed newborns and the not-MA exposed newborns. There was a significant increase in chronic hypertension and cesarean delivery associated with MA utilise and a non-significant increase in the incidence of preeclampsia. The majority of cesarean sections were repeat.

Table 2

Birth Outcomes of MA-exposed pregnancies compared with non-MA exposed pregnancies

All women (n=251)
Women with no other drug apply (n=119)
Whatsoever MA use during
pregnancy due north=144
No MA use during
pregnancy n=107
Just MA during
pregnancy n=60
No drug use during
pregnancy n=59

Effect Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p-value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p-value

Gestational age (weeks) 38.v ± 2.0 39.1 ± 2.1 0.048 38.8 ± ii.1 39.5 ± 1.6 0.043
Birth Weight (grams) 3159 ± 561 3168 ± 533 0.9 3103 ± 537 3321 ± 451 0.019
Head Circumference (cm) 33.5 ± 3.2 33.9 ± 2.nine 0.42 33.two ± three.4 34.6 ± 1.5 0.01
Length (cm) 50.3 ± 3.0 fifty.half dozen ± 3.4 0.52 49.8 ± three.iv 51.3 ± 2.5 0.009
Cord pH 7.25 ± 0.i 7.27 ± 0.ane 0.18 7.25 ± 7.27 ± 0.1 0.26
Maternal LOS (days) ± 1.3 ii.four ± 1.2 0.12 2.52 ± 0.nine 2.ii ± 0.viii 0.02
Infant LOS (days) 3.9 ± 7.0 3.five ± 4.vii 0.62 4.3 ± seven.eight 2.5 ± 1.9 0.1
First prenatal visit (weeks) 23.3 ± 9.5 17.7 ± 9.5 <0.0001 24.two ± 9.iv 17.2 ± x.four 0.0009
Number of prenatal visits 7 ± 4.three viii.4 ± 3.ix 0.018 vii.5 ± 4.4 ±4.ii 0.22

Figures 1 and ii show gestational age and birth weight stratified past trimester of concluding use of MA. Significantly only women who continued to utilize throughout pregnancy delivered early and had smaller babies. This was also true when compared with women who didn't use any drugs during their pregnancies. In addition, women who connected to use MA throughout their pregnancies were significantly more likely to have inadequate prenatal care. (68% vs. 18% p<0.0001).

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Comparison of mean gestational age with trimester of last use of methamphetamines. As the data points prove, the amount of women using MA decreased throughout pregnancy. Mean gestational ages were not unlike between any use and use in trimesters ane–3. Only use at the time of delivery was associated with shorter gestation (p=0.0145*).

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Comparison of mean birth weight past last trimester of methamphetamine utilize. Women with positive toxicology at birth had lower unadjusted nativity weights than those that stopped in 1st or 3rd trimester (p=0.04*).

There were five major birth defects among the 251 births (2%). Of these 3 were MA exposed (cardiac defect, portal vein anomaly, and cystic hygroma) and 2 were non-MA exposed (bilateral ventriculomegaly and laryngiomalacia). There were iii pocket-sized nativity defects (ane MA exposed and 2 non-MA exposed).

Multivariate analyses are presented in tables three4. In the multivariate logistic model, using bereft prenatal care (<v visits), chronic hypertension, preeclampsia and diabetes, trimester of final MA utilize, and other drug use (defined equally any other illicit drug use besides MA) as covariates, only persistent MA use (positive toxicology at birth) and other drug employ were associated with preterm delivery. Persistent MA utilise was associated with 3.5-fold increase in preterm delivery and other drug employ with a 2.4-fold increase. Interestingly smoking was not associated with preterm commitment in this model on univariate or multivariate analysis. Each week of delaying prenatal care increased the odds of delivering preterm by i.07 (1.01–ane.15) p=0.043.

Table 3

Unadjusted associations betwixt Pregnancy complications and MA apply

All women (n=251)
Women with no other drug use (n=119)
Any MA use during
pregnancy n=144
No MA use during
pregnancy due north=107
Only MA during
pregnancy n=60
No drug use during
pregnancy n=59

Pregnancy Complications n (percent) north (pct) OR (95%CI) p-value n (pct) due north (per centum) OR (95%CI) p-value

Preterm delivery 18 (12.half dozen) 13 (12.0) 1.05 (0.v–ii.three) 1.00 8 (13) iii (5) two.8 (0.7–11.2) 0.ii
Low nativity weight xv (10.7) x (ix.4) i.2 (0.5–2.7) 0.83 eight (13) two (iii.4) 4.3 (0.nine–21.2) 0.09
Chronic Hypertension xi (seven.7) two (1.9) four.4 (0.9–xx.two) 0.035 3 (4.9) 0 (0) NA 0.24
Preeclampsia 10 (7.0) four (3.vii) 1.94 (0.half-dozen–6.iii) 0.28 four (6.6) ii (three.4) 2.0 (0.4–11.v) 0.68
Cesarean Commitment 46 (32.ii) 15 (12.0) 2.9 (ane.5–5.6) 0.0006 12 ( four (6.8) 3.4 (i.0–11.1) 0.058
NICU Access 10 (7.three) 10 (9.6) 0.74 (0.3–ane.9) 0.63 iv (6.8) 2 (3.6) i.9 (0.3–11.0) 0.68
Small for gestational age xv (10.five) 15 (fourteen.0) 0.72 (0.iii–i.5) 0.43 8 (13) half dozen (10.iii) 1.three (0.4–4.0) 0.78

Table iv

Multiple logistic regression of preterm delivery (<37 weeks)

Variable aOR (95% CI) p-value
Bereft prenatal care (<5 visits) two.xi (0.77–5.49) 0.xiv
Chronic Hypertension iii.53 (0.68–16.40) 0.13
Pre-eclampsia two.thirty (0.38–10.64) 0.33
Diabetes ii.27 (0.60–vii.32) 0.21
Other drugs 2.xl (1.01–6.00) 0.048
MA-positive at commitment 3.54 (1.02–11.66) 0.046
Delayed prenatal care (per week) 1.07 (1.01–1.15) 0.043

Persistent smoking, but not MA use, nor other drug apply, was associated with small for gestational age (SGA), defined as a baby measuring <10% for gestational age using Alexander's algorithm (Alexander et al. 1996).


This is the largest cohort study of methamphetamine-exposed pregnancies to date where information on MA and other drug use was collected prospectively. In addition, the groups are similar in the presence of other confounding factors, including tobacco use (90% vs. 78% vs. state boilerplate 12%), other drug use, poverty levels (98% of women in the report were on State Medicaid) and housing status (the great majority of women (>90%) in each group were either in residential drug treatment, homeless or at-risk homeless, or incarcerated). All the not MA-using women either had a past history of addiction or were either from the same catchment area every bit the meth-using women, and homeless or at-take a chance for becoming homeless. Given the similarities in these factors, nosotros showed that continuous MA and other drug use are associated with lower gestational age and nascency weight, simply that any MA use during pregnancy is not associated with agin pregnancy outcomes other than chronic hypertension and cesarean delivery. Women who continually used MA throughout pregnancy did have a higher risk of delivering preterm. We did testify that women who stop using MA at any time during pregnancy have improved birth outcomes as far as birth weight and gestational age, and these exercise not differ from women who exercise non utilize MA during pregnancy. Reassuringly MA apply was not associated with any increment in birth defects to a higher place baseline.

The IDEAL report has a larger enrollment, as it is a multi-centre written report (Arria et al. 2006, Smith et al. 2006). Still enrollment in that study was done at nascency and information on MA use was collected retrospectively. In addition, the control grouping was not matched for socio-economic condition. In dissimilarity to the IDEAL study (Smith et al. 2006), nosotros did not show an increase in pocket-size for gestational age (SGA) in the MA-exposed infants. The MA-exposed infants were smaller, only not in one case controlled for the earlier gestational age. We did testify an increase risk of maternal chronic hypertension with MA apply, which is consistent with other studies that show a multitude of cardiovascular furnishings from chronic MA use (Carvalho et al. 2012). Information technology could be that this is the machinery causing SGA in the Ideal study.

The increase in cesarean deliveries could exist secondary to the increased gravidity and parity of the MA-using women as the majority of cesarean deliveries were for the indication of prior cesarean. Before the establishment of the dispensary, many of these women did not get prenatal care and oftentimes ended up at the hospital with complications necessitating cesarean delivery that could've been prevented with acceptable prenatal care, (e.k. breech presentation where external cephalic version could be offered or better blood pressure control during pregnancy so that late preterm commitment would not be necessary for uncontrolled hypertension). Fifty-fifty in this study, women who used MA entered prenatal care afterward and had fewer prenatal visits, and women who persisted using MA were much more likely to have inadequate prenatal intendance, which volition increase the charge per unit of pregnancy complications. Fifty-fifty in patients with drug utilise throughout pregnancy, prenatal intendance of at to the lowest degree 4 visits has been shown to improve pregnancy outcomes (El-Mohandes et al, 2009). Presenting late to care also makes it less probable the pregnancy will be accurately dated, which may inadvertently increase the preterm commitment rate, as dating depends on early ultrasound or clinical exam. For example, if a adult female presents at 30 weeks for care, her pregnancy dating ultrasound may be off by up to 3 weeks. If she then goes on to deliver at 36 weeks by that dating, she would be considered preterm, just in authenticity may be 39 weeks and full-term. Inversely if she were considered 39 weeks, but was actually only 36 weeks, she may iatrogenically be delivered preterm.

This written report has many limitations. The women in the dispensary were self-selected and frequently motivated to quit using MA, which well-nigh likely improved compliance with prenatal care and other cocky-care practices. This could exist reflected in the fact that women who continued to use until delivery had worse pregnancy outcomes. In that location is somewhat limited generalizability to other communities, given low rates of heroin usage and less exposure to multiple drugs other than marijuana and tobacco. In add-on, we didn't have extremely authentic assessment of alcohol usage and no information on weight gain was nerveless, which can influence the incidence of SGA. In add-on, strict measurements of socio-economic status (SES) were not collected, thus Medicaid-eligibility was used equally a proxy measure. This information will be collected going forward. In addition, further studies on infant development should be done.


Continuous methamphetamine use during pregnancy is associated with preterm commitment and low-birth weight, both of which contribute to neonatal morbidity and bloodshed. The majority of women in the study stopped using MA (86%), which is extremely reassuring. The women that did stop engaged in prenatal care more often and had normal nascence outcomes. Stopping MA apply at any time during pregnancy improves nativity outcomes, thus resource should be aimed at treatment of addiction and promotion of prenatal care.

Table five

Multiple logistic regression of minor for gestational historic period (<10%)

Variable aOR (95% CI) p-value
Persistent Smoker 4.58 (1.90–12.eighty) 0.0004
MA-positive at commitment 0.34 (0.01–1.83) 0.24
Other drugs ane.69 (0.77–three.eighty) 0.19

Supplementary Material

Supplemental Data File _doc_ pdf_ etc._


Funding for the establishment for the Path dispensary was given by the Hawaii Land Legislature (Acts 248–2006 and 147–2007). Funding for clinical outcomes studies was provided in role past NIH grant 5U54RR014607. Funding for statistical review was provided by NIH grants U54MD007584 and G12MD007601. Philanthropic support was provided by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, The Hawaii Community Foundation, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies-Hawaii, March of Dimes Hawaii and other community members. The Salvation Army Family Treatment Center has promoted our peaceful coexistence these many years. Thank y'all to Jennifer Elia and Dr. John Chen for reviewing the paper draft and thank you to the many dispensary staff and volunteers, without whom the dispensary would not have such outcomes, especially Bernadette Scanlan-Hodges Julia Yoshimoto, and Rachel Dorr, Cynthia Nguyen, Christina Postal service, Shyna Estubio, Kelly Meyers and Porsha Arnold.


The authors report no relevant conflicts of interest

Data from this written report was presented in abstract form at the following meetings:

III Global Congress of Maternal and Babe Wellness, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2013

American Society of Addiction Medicine, Orlando, FL April 2014

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Clinical Meeting. Chicago, IL April, 2014


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