woodlands inc. what is the cash flow to creditors for 2015?

What is Backlog Cash Flow?

Backlog cash flow refers to the cash held by a company that can trigger a mandatory repayment of debt according to the company's bond indenture. It is a term typically used in the restrictive covenants in loan agreements or bond indentures.

Excess Cash Flow


  • Co-ordinate to the company's bond indentures or loan agreements, excess cash menstruum triggers a mandatory repayment of a visitor'south debt.
  • The triggering events include cash inflows generated from operating, sales of assets, and financing activities.
  • Sure transactions are excluded from excess cash flows terms, such as inventory sales, expenses on financing activities, and capital letter expenditures for expanding new business.

Understanding Excess Greenbacks Flow

Debt is a cheap and commonly used financing method for companies. Requiring a lower rate of returns, lenders expect lower risks and set restrictions on using sure greenbacks flows of the borrowing visitor. For example, the terms of excess greenbacks period, the triggering events, the pct of repayment to the backlog cash menstruum, and the exceptions are specified in loan agreements or bond indentures. These terms are known as restrictive covenants, which provide coverage on credit risks for creditors.

The repayment triggering events are clarified in agreements. Net income exceeding certain amounts, capital gain from the sale of assets, and capital financed through certain funding methods (due east.g., issuance of new stocks and bonds) are typical examples.

Once such events occur, excess cash flows are generated, and a portion of them must be used to repay a portion of the outstanding loans. The amount of payment is calculated through formulas determined in loan contracts; usually, a pct of the income or majuscule collected.

Although the correct to require repayments from backlog greenbacks flows lowers credit risks, creditors should carefully determine the appropriate portion of repayments. Overly restrictive terms will limit the visitor'southward growth potential and, thus, time to come profitability. They might injure the cash flows and solvency, which will lead to higher credit risks in the future instead.

What is Excluded from Excess Cash Menstruation?

Equally mentioned above, the sale of avails can trigger repayments with excess cash flows, but sure assets are excluded. Inventory is one of the examples. Companies purchase and sell inventory to generate operating incomes as a resources to support their following daily operations. Hence, inventory sale is usually non included in excess cash flow terms as a trigger of repayments.

Capital expenditures, operating expenses, and expenditures on financing are also exempted from excess cash flows. For example, when a visitor issues new shares through an investment bank, the capital nerveless by selling the new shares triggers repayment for its bonds outstanding, but the fees paid to the investment bank is deducted from the backlog cash flow.

The costs of expanding business lines and a certain amount of cash held to facilitate the everyday business performance or buy fiscal products for risk hedging are too excluded from the excess cash flows repayment.

Example of Backlog Cash Flow

Hither is a uncomplicated case for better understanding. A company holds $1,000,000 bonds outstanding with an involvement rate of 5.0% and an indenture that requires repayments of 75% of its excess cash flows.

The company generated a $600,000 EBITDA in a twelvemonth. The mandatory amortization is $50,000, the greenbacks tax is $100,000, and the upper-case letter expenditure is $300,000. The excess cash catamenia from operation is thus $100,000 (600,000 – 150,000 – [five.0% * 1,000,000] – 300,000).

In the aforementioned year, the company also issued 5,000 new shares at $40/share, and the cost of issuance is $forty,000. Thus, the full excess cash menses for this yr is $260,000 (100,000 + [5,000 * 40] – 40,000). The payment to bondholders triggered by the excess cash flow should exist $195,000 (75% * $260,000).

Excess Greenbacks Menses vs. Free Cash Flow

Gratuitous greenbacks menstruation and excess greenbacks flow are two dissimilar concepts. Free greenbacks flow refers to the company's cash left after deducting its greenbacks operating expenses and uppercase expenditures. Shareholders measure a company's complimentary greenbacks flow to understand whether the company tin brand cash distributions after funding its operations and capital expenditures. There is a standardized calculation method for free cash flow.

The calculation of excess cash flow varies in different cases. Depending on contract terms, certain expenditures are non taken into account. Excess cash flow is used for a different purpose and serves the involvement of credit holders. The required repayment of the debt, which is partially based on excess cash menstruation, should be deducted from the free cash flow.

Additional Resources

CFI is the official provider of the global Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA)™ certification program, designed to aid anyone go a earth-class financial analyst. To go along advancing your career, the additional resources below will be useful:

  • Commercial Loan Agreement
  • Debt Covenants
  • Capital Expenditures
  • Charge per unit of Render


Source: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/credit/excess-cash-flow/

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