Hard Coer Buddhist Art in Praise of the Divine 2003 by Dr Shashi Bala

The Tibetan Buddhist Canon is divided into the words and teachings of the Buddha, contained inside the 108 volumes of theKangyur (the translated words), and treatises and commentaries equanimous past learned and accomplished masters of Bharat, which are contained within the 224 volumes of theTengyur (the translated treatises). The Mongolian version of this Buddhist canon—theKanjur and theTanjur—was translated from Tibetan into classical Mongolian and are considered to be the almost important religious text in Mongolia.

India's Ministry of Civilisation has taken upwardly the project of reprinting all 108 volumes of MongolianKanjur nether the National Mission for Manuscripts, and the volumes of the sacred canon are intended for 75 major monasteries in Mongolia. The publication and distribution of the MongolianKanjur has become a symbol of cultural dialogue between Republic of india and Mongolia and has contributed to strengthening diplomatic relations betwixt the two countries, which were established in 1955.

The presentation of the MongolKanjur to Mongolian monasteries by the regime of India was initiated past the eminent Buddhist scholar Prof. Dr. Shashi Bala, dean of the Center of Indology at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in New Delhi. She is a disciple of the renowned Buddhist scholar Prof. Dr. Lokesh Chandra, and was also the editor of the newly publishedCatalogue of the Mongol Tanjur, compiled by the eminent Mongolian scholar Prof. Byambin Rinchen (1905–77). The catalogue was made with the inspiration and help of the famed Sanskrit scholar, linguist, and politician Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira (1902-63), begetter of Prof. Dr. Lokesh Chandra. From 1956-58, Prof. Raghu Vira obtained a microfilm copy of the extremely rare UrgaTanjur, kept in Ulaanbaatar. This edition was compiled and translated into Mongolian in the mid-18th century, under the direction of the prominent Gelug scholar from the Amdo region of Tibet, Changkya Rolpe Dorje (1717–86).

Prof. Shashi Bala receives the Order of the Polar Star from the Mongolian ambassador to India, Gonchig Ganbold. Image courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala
Prof. Shashi Bala receives the Order of the Polar Star from the Mongolian ambassador to Bharat, Gonchig Ganbold. Prototype courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala

Prof. Rinchen made a catalogue of the texts, simply it was only possible to publish a portion during his lifetime. Prof. Shashi Bala has edited the rest and published the entire catalogue in two volumes. For her work on theTanjur catalogue and initiating the presentation of the 108 volumes of theKanjur to Mongolian monasteries, she was awarded with the Order of the Polar Star (Mong: Altan Gadas Odon), the land's highest civilian award. The Lodge of the Polar Star, introduced in 1936, recognizes individuals who have made invaluable contributions through their outstanding piece of work, intelligence, and sincerity, to the prosperity of Mongolia, and for outstanding contributions in the fields of the arts, culture, scientific discipline, and humanity.

The award was conferred on Prof. Shashi Bala by the president of Mongolia, Khaltmaagiin Battulga, for her contributions to the field of culture during a anniversary on 24 June at the Mongolian embassy in New Delhi. The medal was presented past Mongolia's ambassador to India, Gonchig Ganbold, and the decree was announced by Minister Counsellor Chanrav Burenbayar.

Buddhistdoor Global had the privilege of speaking with Prof. Shashi Bala well-nigh her achievements and her work on the Mongolian Buddhist Canon.

Buddhistdoor Global: Can you describe for the states your work on theCatalogue of the Mongol Tanjur?

Prof. Shashi Bala: The MongolianTanjur has played a catalytic office in the spiritual, literary, and scientific evolution of Mongolia. The MongolTanjur is a collection of Sanskrit texts translated from Tibetan into Mongolian during the reign of the Chinese Qianlong Emperor (1711–99), the fifth Emperor of the Qing dynasty (1636–1912), with the assist of older translations from the Yuan dynasty (1206–1368). It was printed on Majestic control between 1742 and 1749 in 225 volumes, and was the climax of a work of translation begun in the early 13th century. The movement to create a national liturgy in the Mongolian language by Mergen Gegen Lubsangdambijalsan (1717–66) contributed to the commemoration of the Mongol version of theTanjur as a national glorification.

Prof. Byambin Rinchen, an iconic Mongolian scholar of eminence, began to set up a catalogue of the MongolTanjur inspired by Prof. Raghu Vira. Outset of all he had the colophons of theTanjur in Mongolian script in eight volumes, which were printed as facsimile editions in theŚatapiṭaka Serial (Nos. 314–21). Prof. Rinchen had to consult the original xylographed volumes of theTanjur for his descriptive catalogue. Prof. Raghu Vira used his political position to help with cataloguing theTanjur, as the report of sacred texts was forbidden at the time. In 1960, the persecution of Prof. Rinchen began and he could not work at the National Library. When he passed abroad, only three volumes had been printed.

Part one of the Catalogue of the Mongol Tanjur. Image courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala
Part one of the Catalogue of the Mongol Tanjur. Prototype courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala

I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Lokesh Chandra for giving me the catalogue to edit, having faith in me, and for helping to read the second proofs of the catalogue. The piece of work of Prof. Byambin Rinchen is being published in two volumes as my homage to him. This  catalogue of the glorious treasure of the Mongols volition reach their sacred land and besides Mongolists all over the world.

Prof. Raghu Vira and Prof. Byambin Rinchen. Image courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala
Prof. Raghu Vira and Prof. Byambin Rinchen. Prototype courtesy of Prof. Shashi Bala

BDG: How did you begin working on theCatalogue of the Mongol Tanjur?

PSB: Since childhood, I have had the highest respect for the scholarly work of Prof. Raghu Vira. I take devoted my whole life to working on the subjects that were then close to his heart. His life and works are the chief sources of inspiration for me. He left so much unfinished and undone work considering of his sudden death in a automobile accident. I never met him, only my father told me then much most him. He gave me a book containing condolence messages received from all over the world. Prof. Raghu Vira had such a 1000 personality that everyone who knew him was shocked. I also read a number of his articles which opened upwardly new horizons in my life. Because of following his path, people phone call me hismanas putri (Skt. listen-daughter).

I became a life-long disciple of Prof. Lokesh Chandra, who is now 94 years onetime. With his organized religion in myself and my dedication, he showed me the manuscript of the catalogue by Prof. Rinchin. He had published the starting time 3 volumes, but since 1975 the fourth volume has waited in silence in the cupboards of Saraswati Vihar. Prof. Lokesh Chandra asked me if I would be able to edit and publish it. I was thrilled and felt honored to accept the opportunity to edit information technology.

BDG: How has the Indian edition of theKanjur and theTanjur contributed to spiritual and cultural relations between Republic of india and Mongolia?

PSB: TheKanjur and theTanjur are sacred texts for the Mongols that were lost during the Cultural Revolution. Republic of india is reprinting and distributing all 108 volumes to almost of the monasteries in Mongolia. Newly built Mongolian monasteries do not have their sacred literature to sanctify them. Buddhist monasteries are not simply centers of faith, spirituality, and religion, but represent a resurgence in Mongolian'due south intellectual heritage. The catalogue will achieve all monasteries in Mongolia and Russia, and the Mongolists in the earth. It is a valuable work for Republic of india besides because it contains details of Sanskrit texts translated into the Mongol linguistic communication. It is the get-go fourth dimension that Indian academicians will come up to know about this. Moreover, at that place are a number of Sanskrit texts that were lost forever. They can be recovered from the Mongol translations.

Prof. Rinchin has such an iconic persona in Mongolia that his statue is erected in front of the Academy of Sciences in Ulaanbaatar. His contribution to the cultural and intellectual development of Mongolia is immense. It is highly appreciated by Mongolia that his works are brought to calorie-free. At present I shall also present the original manuscript of Prof. Rinchin to Mongolia.

BDG: What does it mean for y'all to receive Mongolia'southward highest civilian honour?

PSB: It is not just an award only a cracking accolade for me that has given moments of delight and inspiration. I am grateful to the president of Mongolia for conferring this most prestigious award. For me, the award is not simply an acknowledgement of the piece of work already done but also indicates having faith in someone for their future work. I promise I can do my best in the decades to come.

The day I received the news, I was enthused, thinking and planning to practise more to heighten cultural relations between our ii countries. I feel indebted to Mongols for the preservation of Indian heritage and for respecting the effort. Moreover, this award was previously given to His Holiness Shri Shr Ravi Shankar, Prof. Lokesh Chandra, and Ven. Kushok Bakula Rinpoche. This award places my proper noun amongst those shining stars, which is unforgettable to me.

I also miss my begetter, Dr. Kailash Chandra, on this historic occasion. He kindled within me the spark of cognition about Mongolia when I was only 11 years old. I did not know then nigh any foreign country, living in a minor town surrounded by the foothills of the Himalaya.

BDG: Prof. Shashi Bala, thank you so much for sharing your fourth dimension and cognition with usa. Please accept our warmest wishes for your future endeavors and success.

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Source: https://www.buddhistdoor.net/features/the-mongolian-buddhist-canon-as-a-symbol-of-cultural-dialogue-between-india-and-mongolia-an-interview-with-prof-shashi-bala/

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